Switched Rack PDU User Guide75
To configure data log rotation (Logs > Data > rotation):
Set up a password-protected data log repository on a specified FTP server. Enabling rotation causes the
contents of the data log to be appended to the file you specify by name and location. Updates to this file
occur at the upload interval you specify.
To resize the data log (Logs > Data > size):
By default, the data log stores 500 records. You can change the number of records the log stores. When
you resize the data log, all existing log records are deleted. To avoid losing records, use FTP or SCP to
retrieve the log before you enter a new value in the Data Log Size field. See “Use FTP or SCP to retrieve
log files” on page 76.
When the log is full, the older entries are deleted.
Network Port Sharing Data Log.
The host Rack PDU will poll data from guest PDUs so that data from all PDUs in a group are available.
To view data from a different Rack PDU in a group, select the desired Rack PDU from the "Filter Log"
pull-down list.
Similarly for data log graphing, you can select a different Rack PDU by clicking on the "Change Data
Filter" button.
Parameter Description
Data Log Rotation Enable or disable (the default) data log rotation.
FTP Server Address The location of the FTP server where the data repository file is stored.
User Name The user name required to send data to the repository file. This user must also
be configured to have read and write access to the data repository file and the
directory (folder) in which it is stored.
Password The password required to send data to the repository file.
File Path The path to the repository file.
Filename The name of the repository file (an ASCII text file).
Delay X hours between
The number of hours between uploads of data to the file.
Upload every X minutes The number of minutes between attempts to upload data to the file after an
upload failure.
Up to X times The maximum number of times the upload will be attempted after an initial
Until Upload Succeeds Attempt to upload the file until the transfer is completed.