Apple 20Display Computer Monitor User Manual

Setting a keyboard command to show and hide the Control Strip
To s e t a keyboard command to show and hide the Control Strip, follow these
1Choose Control Panels from the Apple (
) menu.
2Double-click the Control Strip icon to open it.
The Control Strip control panel appears.
3 To turn on the keyboard command for showing and hiding the Control Strip, click “Hot
key to show/hide.”
The keyboard command for showing and hiding the Control Strip appears in
the “Current hot key” window.
4 To change the keyboard command, click “Define hot key.”
A box appears.
5Press the keys you want to use, then click OK.
You must include either the x (Command) key or a function key (F1–F15). If
you choose an inappropriate command, you see a message.
6Click the close box to close the control panel.
Using the Display Software