Apple 7 Computer Accessories User Manual

Chapter 1 A First Look at Final Cut Pro
If you transfer a Final Cut Pro project le to another computer for editing, you must
also transfer all the media les to the other system as well. It’s important to maintain
the connection between your media les on disk and the clips in your project. If, for
example, you rename media les on your hard disk in the Finder, you may have to
reconnect those les to the appropriate clips in your project later. Your media les are
placed in the Scratch Disk folder that is created when you rst ingest media. Keep in
mind that it’s a good idea to keep all your les for a project in a central location, rather
than have les in dierent locations on dierent disks. Final Cut Pro provides easy
ways to maintain the connection between media les and clips, but it’s important to
remember that your clips represent media les that reside elsewhere on a hard disk.
Key Concepts
Project: A project in the Browser holds the clips, sequences, and bins to be used in a
video program.
Sequence: A sequence represents a chronological arrangement of clips in the Timeline.
Double-clicking a sequence icon in the Browser opens that sequence in the Timeline.
Clips appear in the Browser, where you can organize them and then edit them
into a sequence. Clips point to the media les stored on your hard disk.
Media les:
The digital les that are captured or transferred from a camcorder or
other device and that correspond to clips in your project.