Apple II Plus Personal Computer User Manual

ThinkTank Manual
TEXTFILE Port to or from a text file
Command key: T
Command prefix: Yes
Location: PORT DEVICE Menu (PORT command)
See also: PORT
When you give the PORT command, ThinkTank displays the
PORT DEVICE Menu which allows you to choose whether to print
the bar cursor outline or transfer (copy) it to or from a
PASCAL text file. Choose TEXTFILE to port to or from a text
file. ThinkTank will continue by asking you which direction
to transfer the material.
Text files are useful because ThinkTank’s special format
for storing an outline cannot be read by most other programs
or incorporated directly into another outline. Text files are
not outline files; they have a standard format which can be
read by ThinkTank as well as by other programs and computers
that use the PASCAL operating system. Thus the TEXTFILE op-
tion is useful for making a backup copy of an outline, editing
outline material with a PASCAL—compatible word processor, and
sending an outline to another ThinkTank user. You can also
use a text file as an intermediary when transferring informa-
tion from one outline to another.
If you are porting a text file into an outline, ThinkTank
normally assumes that it is arranged in STRUCTURED style.
Within certain constraints, however, you can port a text file
that’s not organized in STRUCTURED style into a ThinkTank
outline. This is especially useful for transferring a docu-
ment created with a PASCAL—compatible word processor into
ThinkTank. Details are provided in a ThinkTank technical note
described in Appendix D.
You can use PORT/TEXTFILE to transfer an outline between
two different kinds of computers. However, certain incompati-
bilities may cause problems. For example, when transferring
from a computer that can display 80 characters on a line to
one that can display only 40, ThinkTank will truncate head—