
Booting the Software
From the Startup Disk
1) Insert the Sonic Blaster startup disk into your boot drive.
2) Turn on the computer.
3) The disk will automatically load the SB software.
From the Finder
I) With the computer on and the Finder loaded, insert
your Sonic Blaster startup disk into a 3.5” drive.
2) Double-dick the disk icon to open its window.
3) Double-click the icon SONIC.SYS16 to run the
Other Launchers
Follow the instructions for the launcher you use to run the
application SONIC.SYS16.
Sample Session
Following is a short example of how you can use the Sonic
Blaster to play back and edit sound files.
To play a sound file
I) Click and drag down the File menu until the Open
option is selected and then release the mouse button.
This opens a catalog of your current online disk.
2) If the Audio Art disk is not the current disk cataloged,
make sure it is an accessible drive, and then click on the
“Disk button until its name appears above the catalog
wind ow.
3) Double click on any sound file in the catalog window
called to open that file.
You can also open the file by clicking once on the filename to
highlight it and then clicking on the Open button.
4) The software will tell you that it is loading the file and
will display a bar showing you what proportion of the
file has been loaded and how much is left to load.
5) When the file is loaded, you will see the sound graph at
the bottom of your monitor.
14 Sonic Blaster - The Software