Apple Sonic Blaster Computer Hardware User Manual

Notes About
Files Binary Info Example File
Type 0 AE Format
Channel 0 Mono Recording
Length 10246 10,246 byte file
Freq 30368 Recorded at the Highest SB
Record Rate
10,246 8-bit
In the case of stereo files, Channel 2 sampled data immediately
follows Channel 1 sampled data and does not require a separate
Refer to the Apple Standard Sound File Format (SSND)
documentation for complete AIFF format information.
Setting Gain and Channel For Input
When setting gain and channel for input, write to the following
hardware location:
$C0n*16+$81 (write/read)
The format of the byte to write is:
| 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
x x | |
Gain - 0-31
0 - Ch 1 0 - low level gain for high input
1 - Oh 2 31 - high level gain for low input
* Note: Bits 5 and 6 are not used.
This is all the information provided by the program. The rest is
done through the Ensoniq chip. Refer to the IIGS Hardware
Reference Manual for information about digitizing with the
60 Sonic Blaster