
The “Setup” Options
* Note; Channel 1 is the same as Left and Channel 2 is the
same as Right on most stereo setups.
Playback Channel...
You can choose to playback through Channel 1 (left), Channel 2
(right), or Both Channels. Cancel leaves the settings as they were
before you choose the option.
Record Channel...
This option lets you select which channel you want to record
Recording on both channels (stereo) cuts the maximum
Record Sample Rate down from 30,368 to 15,184.
If you have your input device set up for mono input,
and Set the Record Channel to Both Channels, you’ll
be recording sound on one channel and silence on one
* Note; Most mono inputs feed to channel one. The VU
meter will show which channel is getting the input.
If you have a microphone inputing to Channel 1 and
have the Record Channel set to Channel 2, you’ll be
recording silence.
Sounds recorded on only one channel (mono) can be
played back through both channels using the Playback
Channel setting.
Effects Channel...
To activate this option, you must be working with a stereo
recording. Use the Effects Channel option to dictate whether the
Effects you select will affect both channels or just the channel
currently displayed. Using this option, you can play a segment
from one channel backwards while leaving the same segment
on the other channel the same.
Ch. 6-The "Setup" Options 41