Fade Down
Fade Down will modify the selected segment to sound as if the
volume was gradually turned down toward the end of the
Fade Up
Fade Up will modify the beginning of the segment to make the
amplitude start low and build as if the volume was gradually
turned up.
Phase Shift
Phase Shift is for stereo waves. This effect gives you the same
result as reversing the positive and negative speaker wires of
one stereo speaker. Normally, stereo speaker cones move in and
out similarly (in phase). When you reverse the wires of one
speaker, it reverses the phase of that speaker so that when a
phase pushes one cone out, the other cone is moving back. This
creates what is called an ambient effect.
Phase Shift lets you reverse the phase of one channel without
changing the speaker wires. Try it out and hear the difference.
1) Open a stereo file.
2) Select the Effects Channel option under the Setup
3) Choose Display Channel from the Effects Channel dialog
4) Click the Ok box.
5) Select the entire sample or the segment of the sample
you want to phase shift.
6) Select the Phase Shift option.
7) Play the sample.
Select the Shift option to change the zero level of a selected
segment. Use the Shift option to match zero levels of two
segments and avoid the audible “click” that is played when a
sample makes a jump from one zero level to another.
1) Select the entire sample or the segment of the sample
you want to shift.
Ch. 5 - The "Effects" Options 39