Asus P4R800-V Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P4R800-V Deluxe motherboard user guide
5.5 SiS RAID configurations
The motherboard comes with the SiS 180 RAID controller to provide a
cost-effective RAID solution. SiS 180 supports RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID
0+1 with two independent Serial ATA channels and a single-channel RAID
RAID 0 (called data striping) optimizes two identical hard disk drives to
read and write data in parallel, interleaved stacks. Two hard disks perform
the same work as a single drive but at a sustained data transfer rate,
double that of a single disk alone, thus improving data access and
RAID 1 (called data mirroring) copies and maintains an identical image of
data from one drive to a second drive. If one drive fails, the disk array
management software directs all applications to the surviving drive as it
contains a complete copy of the data in the other drive. This RAID
configuration provides data protection and increases fault tolerance to the
entire system.
RAID 0+1 is data striping and data mirroring combined without parity
(redundancy data) having to be calculated and written. The advantage of
RAID 0 + 1 is fast data access (like RAID 0), but with the ability to loose
one drive and have a complete duplicate surviving drive or set of drives
(like RAID 1).
Refer to the SiS 180 Serial ATA User’s Manual in the support CD for
details on the SiS RAID utilities.