Asus P4R800-V Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P4R800-V Deluxe motherboard user guide
4.6 Boot menu
First, Second, Third, Fourth Boot Device
The Boot Menu allows you to select 13 types of boot devices. Promotion
or demotion of devices alters the priority which the system uses to boot
device on system power up. Configuration options include [Floppy]
[LS120] [HDD-0] [SCSI] [CDROM] [HDD-1] [HDD-2] [HDD-3] [ZIP]
[USB-FDD] [USB-CDROM] [LAN] [Disabled]
Plug & Play OS [Yes]
This field allows you to use a Plug and Play (PnP) operating system to
configure the PCI bus slots instead of using the BIOS. When [Yes] is
selected, interrupts may be reassigned by the OS. If you installed a non-
PnP OS or if you want to prevent reassigning of interrupt settings, keep
the default setting [No]. Configuration options: [No] [Yes]
Boot Virus Detection [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the virus warning feature for IDE hard disk
boot sector. When set to [Enabled], BIOS displays a warning message on
the screen and an alarm beep if someone attempts to write data on the
HDD boot sector. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Quick Power-On-Self-Test [Enabled]
This field speeds up the Power-On-Self Test (POST) routine by skipping
retesting several times. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Select Menu
Item Specific Help
Select your boot device
F1 : Help
: Select Item -/+ : Change Value F5 : Setup Defaults
ESC : Exit
: Select Menu Enter : Select Sub-menu F10 : Save and Exit
First Boot Device [HDD-0]
Second Boot Device [CDROM]
Third Boot Device [Floppy]
Fourth Boot Device [Disabled]
Plug & Play OS [Yes]
Boot Virus Detection [Disabled]
Quick Power On Self Test [Enabled]
Boot Up Floppy Seek [Disabled]
Boot Up NumLock Status [On]
Full Screen LOGO [Enabled]
APIC Mode [Enabled]