Barco R5976519/00 Projector User Manual

13. Input Source File Service
Intheloadfilemode,theactivefileisindicatedbesidetheitemActive File.
When scrolling through the files, the image will be adapted according the file specifications of that selected
The image display is not perfect
If the created file doesn’t results in a perfect image, go to the file edit menu which allows to adapt some parameters (see further).
13.3 File identification
How identifying the new selected source
When selecting the respective input slot with the new source, the horizontal period, the total number of vertical lines and the inter-
laced mode are automatically measured and filed in the menu table as a new custom file.
When editing a custom file, NEVER adjust the automatically measured values as they are used to identify the
input source file when selecting.
Explanation of the Edit file menu items
Menu Item Explanation
Horizontal Total Pixels
If the value for ’Horizontal Total pixels’ is wrong, sampling mistakes, small vertical bars will be seen
in the image (Total numbers of pixels between 2 sync pulses is used to adjust the sampling rate).
Select ’Total’ and increase or decrease the pixel quantity for no bars in the image. (image 13-1)
Active pixels
The ’Active pixels’ determine the width of the window on the screen. This va
lue is normally given in
the source specifications. If not, adjust until full image is displayed (no missing pixels). (image 13-1)
Horizontal start This is the number of the pixels between the beginning of the input signal and the start of the
video information in the signal. (image 13-1)
Horizontal Period This is already filled in with the correct value at the time of the source identifying.
Vertical Total Lines This is already filled in with the correct value at the time of the source identifying.
Active Lines
This is the number of horizontal lines determining the height
of the projected image. This value is
normally given in the specification of the source. If not, adjust until full image height is displayed (no
missing lines).
Vertical Start This is the number of the lines between the start of the input signal and the start of the image
on the screen.
Interlaced [On] or [Off] This selection is automatically filled at source identifying. If he image is wrong, due to wrong
measurements, use the ENTER key to toggle between On and Off
. (For interlaced images, 1
frame contains 2 fields).
Read AMDS AMDS = Automatic Mode Detection & Synchronization
Selecting AMDS and confirmed with ENTER, the system re-identify the input source.
Explanation of the Edit file menu option items
Option Item
Source Number The source number of a non-active source can be changed to any other source number. This makes
it possible to create a file for future source numbers.
Clamp Position Clamping determines the back level of the signal. The clamp pulse can be related to the leading
or the trailing edge of the synchro pulse. Use the ENTER key to toggle between Leading and
Trailing. (image 13-2)
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