Press the Autotest key to run a custom or predefined Autotest.
Press the Escape key to cancel the current operation.
Arrow keys
Press the left, right, up, or down arrow key to navigate within a list, menu, graph,
or editable field.
When in a selection field, press the ENTER key to open the listbox and then select
the highlighted item as the new default. When in an editable field, press the
ENTER key to start the editing process, and press ENTER again when finished with
the editing process.
Alphanumeric Keys
Use the 0 through 9 keys to enter numeric and alphabetic characters in
editable fields. Alphabetic and special characters are shown above each numbered
key on the keypad. The 1 key allows entry of the following characters: - (hyphen),
. (period), and , (comma).
The 0 key allows entry of an empty space.
The alphanumeric keys also allow direct selection of items in numbered lists.
Use this key to toggle between upper- and lower-case letters.
Use this key to quickly display a window listing the functionality of the
function keys in the current display.