How to Use This Guide
The following conventions and symbols are used in this User’s Guide:
Conventions and Symbols used in this User’s Guide
Example Meaning
Alerts you to an important operating procedure that should be performed with care.
Make sure that you read these items.
Notes provide you with useful information.
see List of Menu Items on
page 4-6
A cross reference to another section in this User’s Guide. If you are reading the
Adobe Acrobat PDF file on screen, you can click on the italicised text to jump to the
other location.
Indicates that the item referred to is in another guide (such as the Quick Setup
Key Indicates a key on the keyboard of your computer.
Example: Press the Enter key
bold Indicates a window, dialog box, or tab element or button displayed on the computer
Also indicates a menu or value displayed on the printer’s control panel.
Example: Click OK in the Properties dialog box.
Set Enabled on the control panel.
LCD display font Indicates a message displayed on the printer's control panel.
This may also emphasize a part name or important information to be entered.
Example: Ready to Print appears.
Enter ""
Press the Form Feed/Set
or button once.
Indicates a control panel button.
Example: Press the button.
Press the Form Feed/Set button.
+ Indicates that you need to press 2 keys or control panel buttons at the same time.
Example: Press the + buttons.