Cabletron Systems 04-0053-01 Switch User Manual

8-2 SmartSwitch ATM User Guide
Port ATM Address Filters ATM Filtering and Clocking
8.1.3 ATM Address Filter Example
The following is an example of creating a filter, a filter set, and assigning the filter set to an incoming and outgoing
1. Use the add atmfilter command to create filters on source and/or destination addresses
SmartSwitch # add atmfilter
FilterName(FILTER1) : Domain1
Src-ATMAddr() : 39:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1d:a3:
Dst-ATMAddr() : 39:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1d:b4:
FilterType() : deny
SmartSwitch #
SmartSwitch # add atmfilter
FilterName(FILTER2) : domain2
Src-ATMAddr() : 39:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1d:71:
Dst-ATMAddr() : 39:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:1d:7a:
FilterType() : deny
SmartSwitch #
2. Use the add atmfilterset command to create a filter set that uses the filters domain1 and domain2
SmartSwitch # add atmfilterset
FilterSetName(SET1) : Denied_domains
FilterName() : domain1
FilterName() : domain2
FilterName() :
— Press the Enter key when finished specifying filters
Created Filter Set (Denied_domains) With 2 Filters
SmartSwitch #
3. Use the create portfilterset command to assign the filter set to an incoming and outgoing port.
SmartSwitch # create portfilterset
InComingPort() : 8a1
OutGoingPort() : 8a2
FilteSetName() : Denied_domains
SmartSwitch #
Once the filter set is assigned to the incoming and outgoing ports, any call setup attempted through ports 8a1 and 8a2
are rejected if they contain the source and destination addresses specified in the filters
domain1 and domain2.
Source and Destination Address Masks
When creating an ATM address filter, the add atmfilter command prompts for an address mask (SrcAddrMask and
DstArrdMask). When an entity attempts a call through a port, the address masks determines which bits of the addresses
presented by the entity are to be compared against which bits of the ATM addresses specified in the filter. This
bit-filtering is performed by applying the mask to both the call’s address and the specified address in the filter.