
4-8 SmartSwitch ATM User Guide
Route Metrics Routing
1. Create the outgoing member of the metric pair:
SmartSwitch # add pnnimetric
Executing this command : add PnniMetrics
MetricsTag(1) : 9
TrafficDirection(Outgoing) :
— 1st pair member, we accept the default (Outgoing)
ServiceCategory(UBR) : cbr
AdminWt(5040) : 200
MaxCellRate(NotUsed) : 1000
AvailableCellRate(NotUsed) : 750
MaximumCellTransferDelay(NotUsed) :
CellDelayVariation(NotUsed) :
CellLossRatioForCLP=0(NotUsed) :
CellLossRatioForCLP=0+1(NotUsed) :
CellRateMargin(NotUsed) :
VarianceFactor(NotUsed) :
SmartSwitch #
2. Create the incoming member of the metric pair:
SmartSwitch # add pnnimetric
Executing this command : add PnniMetrics
MetricsTag(1) : 9
TrafficDirection(Outgoing) : incoming
— 2nd pair member, we set as incoming
ServiceCategory(UBR) : cbr
AdminWt(5040) : 200
MaxCellRate(NotUsed) : 1000
AvailableCellRate(NotUsed) : 750
MaximumCellTransferDelay(NotUsed) :
CellDelayVariation(NotUsed) :
CellLossRatioForCLP=0(NotUsed) :
CellLossRatioForCLP=0+1(NotUsed) :
CellRateMargin(NotUsed) :
VarianceFactor(NotUsed) :
SmartSwitch #
3. Enter show pnnimetric to view the newly created metric pair:
SmartSwitch # show pnnimetrics
Metrics(ALL) :
Metrics Metrics Tag Direction Index GCAC CLP Admin Wt Service Categories
1 0x9 Incoming 0x10 CLP0+1 200 CBR
— Incoming pair member
2 0x9 Outgoing 0x10 CLP0+1 200 CBR
— Outgoing pair member
3 0x111113 Outgoing 0x1 CLP0+1 5040 UBR
4 0x111113 Outgoing 0x2 CLP0+1 5040 ABR
5 0x111113 Outgoing 0x4 CLP0 5040 NRTVBR
6 0x111113 Outgoing 0x18 CLP0 5040 CBR RTVBR
7 0x111114 Outgoing 0x1 CLP0+1 5040 UBR
8 0x111114 Outgoing 0x2 CLP0+1 5040 ABR
9 0x111114 Outgoing 0x4 CLP0 5040 NRTVBR
10 0x111114 Outgoing 0x18 CLP0 5040 CBR RTVBR
SmartSwitch #
The newly created metric pair appears at the top of the list as metrics 1 and 2.