Cisco Systems AS5350XM Network Card User Manual

Cisco AS5350XM and Cisco AS5400XM Universal Gateways Card Installation Guide
This preface describes the objectives and organization of this document and explains how to find
additional information on related products and services. This preface contains the following sections:
Document Organization, page vii
Document Conventions, page viii
Obtaining Documentation, page xiv
Documentation Feedback, page xiv
Cisco Product Security Overview, page xv
Obtaining Technical Assistance, page xvi
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information, page xviii
Document Organization
This publication is designed for people who have some experience installing networking equipment such
as routers, hubs, servers, and switches. The person who installs the server should be familiar with
electronic circuitry and wiring practices and have experience as an electronic or electromechanical
Table 1 describes the contents of each chapter in this document.
Table 1 Document Organization
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Safety Warnings,
Recommendations, and
Tools Required
Describes the safety warnings, recommendations, and the
tools required to install dial feature cards in the chassis.
Chapter 2 Feature Card and Carrier
Card Guidelines
Describes the tasks you must perform to remove and
install carrier cards.
Chapter 3 T1 and E1 Feature Cards Describes online insertion and removal (OIR) tasks that
you must perform on the T1 or E1 feature card.
Chapter 4 Channelized T3 Feature
Describes OIR tasks that you must perform on the
channelized T3 (CT3) feature card.
Chapter 5 Universal Port and
Dial-Only Feature Cards
Describes OIR tasks that you must perform on the
universal port and dial-only feature cards.