Cisco Systems AS5350XM Network Card User Manual

Cisco AS5350XM and Cisco AS5400XM Universal Gateways Card Installation Guide
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting
CT3 feature
ACTIVITY (ACT) Fast flicker The feature card is up and running.
Slow flicker The feature card is not yet fully functional.
OK/MAINT On (green) The feature card passed initial power-up diagnostics tests
and is operating normally.
The feature card is busied out, but there are active
calls. Once all the calls are terminated the feature
card will be powered off.
The feature card is not functioning correctly.
Off All calls associated with the feature card have been shut
down, and it is safe to remove the card with the system
powered on.
M13 Alarm (MA) On One of the following is present on the T3 line:
Received alarm indication signal (RAIS)
Loss of signal (LOS)
Receive RED alarm (RRED)
Far-end receive failure (RFERF)
Off The operating condition is normal.
Remote Alarm (RA) On A T1 alarm condition has been encountered by software.
Off The operating condition is normal.
Local Alarm (LA) On A T1 alarm condition has been encountered by software
for a particular port.
Off The operating condition is normal.
T3 EN/DIS Green A CT3 feature card line connection exists, enabling
normal operation.
Yellow Normal operation is disabled.
Low signal (LOS) On The T3 line interface unit (LIU) is experiencing a loss of
Off Remains off when operating condition is normal.
Network Loop (LOOP) On At least one T1 is unavailable.
Off The operating condition is normal.
Table 7-1 LEDs (continued)
Feature Card LED State Description