
Multiprocessor WAN Application Module User Guide
Chapter 6 Command Reference
Command Details
mwam config-mode
To set the MWAM configuration file storage mode, use the mwam config-mode command in privileged
EXEC mode from the MWAM console.
mwam config-mode {local | supervisor}
Syntax Description
Defaults Default setting depends on the contents of NVRAM. If NVRAM contains no startup-config file, the
default setting is Supervisor mode. If the NVRAM contains a startup-config file, the default setting is
local mode.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command when you want to set the MWAM configuration file storage mode. You must first
enable MWAM access to the Supervisor bootflash with the mwam bootflash access command from the
Supervisor console.
Caution If you are operating in the Supervisor mode in a chassis that does not have redundant Supervisor
modules, back up both the startup-config file of the Supervisor module and all SLOT*PC*.cfg files on
the bootflash device. Failure to take this precaution could result in the loss of all MWAM configurations,
along with the Supervisor configuration.
Examples The following examples illustrate the mwam config-mode command:
mwam-6-4# mwam config-mode local
Building configuration...
Successfully changed mode: mwam config-mode local
mwam-6-4# mwam config-mode supervisor
Writing bootflash:SLOT6PC4.cfg
Config uploaded to supervisor in slot 1
Successfully changed mode: mwam config-mode supervisor
mwam config-mode Sets the MWAM configuration file storage mode.
local Stores configuration files locally in NVRAM of the MWAM processor.
supervisor Stores configuration files in the Supervisor bootflash.
Release Modification
12.3(1a)BW This command was introduced.