Server-based computing relies on three critical components:
u A multiuser operating system that allows multiple concurrent users to log on
and run applications in separate, protected sessions on a single server.
u A remote presentation services architecture capable of separating the
application’s logic from its user interface, so that only keystrokes, mouse
clicks, and screen updates travel the network.
MetaFrame uses Citrix’s ICA, which enables virtually any client device to
access virtually any application over any type of network connection. Unlike
the Network Computing (NC) architecture, server-based computing does not
require applications to be downloaded to client devices. As a result, application
performance is neither bandwidth- nor device-dependent.
u Centralized application and client management, which enables enterprises
to overcome the critical application deployment challenges of management,
access, performance, and security.
Microsoft developed Windows Terminal Server to offer multiuser capabilities to
departments or workgroups using Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0. This
multiuser server core provides the ability to host multiple simultaneous client
sessions on Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0. MultiWin technology licensed
from Citrix provides the multiuser capabilities.
To address the needs of enterprise organizations, Terminal Server requires
MetaFrame and Citrix’s widely endorsed ICA protocol—a de facto standard for
server-based computing, used by more than half of the Fortune 500 companies,
with over two million concurrent user licenses worldwide.
Citrix MetaFrame brings server-based computing to the entire enterprise—
including headquarters, branch offices, and remote users—and extends the
capabilities of Windows Terminal Server for departmental and workgroup
environments. It offers IS professionals a cost-effective way to deploy, manage,
and support applications from a single point. It provides universal application
access from virtually any type of client device. It ensures bandwidth-independent
performance with any type of network protocol or connection, and offers unique
features for enhanced application management and security.