In Title, enter the text for the title of the message dialog box. In Message, enter
the text of the message. Click OK to send the message. The message appears on
the user’s screen:
Multiple lines can be entered in either box by using CTRL+ENTER to
move to a new line in the edit box.
You can monitor the actions of users by shadowing their sessions. The shadowed
session is displayed in the shadower’s session. The shadowed session can be
controlled by the mouse and keyboard of the shadowing session. By default, the
user being shadowed is asked to allow or deny session shadowing. Keyboards,
mouse, and notification options can be controlled from the Citrix Connection
Configuration utility for connections, or from User Manager for Domains for
individual users.
To start shadowing a session, click on the session to shadow and click Shadow on
the Action menu.
You can change the hotkey used to terminate shadowing, if desired. The default
hotkey to terminate shadowing is CTRL+*.
The user is notified of the pending shadowing and asked to allow or deny
shadowing, unless notification is disabled for the user in User Manager for
Domains or in Citrix Connection Configuration.