When you publish applications, user access to those applications is greatly
simplified in three areas:
Addressing. Instead of connecting to a Citrix server by its IP address or server
name, ICA Client users can connect to a specific application by whatever name
you give it. Connecting to applications by name eliminates the need for users
to remember which servers contain which applications.
Navigation of the server desktop. Instead of requiring client users to have
knowledge of the Windows NT 4.0 and/or 3.51 desktop (Windows NT
Explorer or Program Manager) to find and start applications after connecting
to Citrix servers, published applications present the ICA Client user with only
the desired application in an ICA session.
User authentication. Instead of logging on and logging off multiple Citrix
servers to access applications, Program Neighborhood users can authenticate
themselves a single time to all servers and obtain immediate access to all
applications configured for their user group or specific user name. Also,
publishing applications for the special Citrix anonymous user group lets you
completely eliminate the need for user authentication for those applications
you want to provide to all users on your network.
Program Neighborhood facilitates user access to published applications by
eliminating the need for client-side configuration of connections. Program
Neighborhood presents application sets to client users. An application set is a
user’s view of the applications published on a given server farm, which that user is
authorized to access. Each user performs a single authentication to all servers in a
farm and is then presented with an application set containing each application
configured for his or her specific user account or user group. Published
applications appear as icons in the view of the farm and are pre-configured for
such connection properties as session window size and colors and supported level
of encryption, audio, and video.
Program Neighborhood is the program users run to connect to MetaFrame
servers with the Citrix ICA Client for Win32 (Windows 95, Windows 98, and
Windows NT platforms).
Using Program Neighborhood greatly simplifies the process of locating and
connecting to published applications. For example, if you want your ICA Client
users to have access to a word processing program, they can do either of the