You can specify the minimum level of encryption for the ICA connection. The
default level is Basic. Strong encryption using the RC5 algorithm is available with
Citrix SecureICA Services. SecureICA Services enables RSA RC5 encryption
with 40-, 56-, or 128-bit minimum session keys. If the Citrix server is configured
to allow RC5 56-bit connections, the Citrix ICA Client can connect with RC5 56-
or 128-bit encryption.
RC5 56- and 128-bit encryption levels are only available in the United
States. Only Basic encryption is available without SecureICA Services installed.
Session shadowing allows you to monitor the display of another active session.
Shadowing allows you to see what users are doing and interact with their sessions
using the keyboard and mouse. You can shadow active sessions on the same
server or on other Citrix servers.
The shadowing settings in the Advanced Connection Settings dialog box control
the behavior of shadowing for all sessions on the connection.
Option Description
Enabled Specifies that sessions on the connection can be shadowed.
Disabled Specifies that sessions on the connection cannot be shadowed.
Input On Allows the shadower to input keyboard and mouse actions to the
shadowed session.
Notify On Specifies that the shadowed user gets a message asking if it is
OK for the shadowing to occur.
Use the ICA Settings dialog box for configuring ICA-specific connection
Client Audio Mapping can cause excessive load on the Citrix server and network.
The higher the audio quality, the more bandwidth is required to transfer the audio
data. Higher quality audio also uses more server CPU to process. Three different
audio quality settings are available, or client audio mapping can be disabled
Audio quality is set on a per-connection basis, but is also configurable on the
client computer. If the client and server audio quality settings are different, the
lower of the two settings is used.