Systems management. MetaFrame provides enterprises with greater
manageability and scalability to help lower computing costs and reduce the
resources needed to support users and devices. With the optional Citrix Load
Balancing Services, you can group multiple MetaFrame servers into a unified
server farm. As the size of the organization increases from dozens to hundreds
or thousands of users, additional MetaFrame servers can simply be added to
these farms for unlimited scalability for enterprise
Application management. MetaFrame enables you to manage and extend the
reach of enterprise applications with tools such as Application Launching and
Embedding (ALE) and application publishing. With ALE, you can extend
business-critical applications across the Web while saving time and money,
because there is no need to rewrite applications. With application publishing,
applications can be accessed as simply as other resources on the network. You
can deploy and manage multiple servers and applications from a single point.
A new MetaFrame 1.8 feature, Program Neighborhood, gives you complete
application control by publishing server-based applications into the local 32-bit
Windows desktops or pushing them directly into “Start” menu programs.
User management. With capabilities such as Session Shadowing and
Automatic Client Update, MetaFrame enables you to monitor and support
application access, troubleshoot problems, train end users, and deploy and
maintain applications throughout the enterprise—all from a single location. In
addition, enhanced ICA Browser management gives you control over browser
parameters, such as backup ICA Browsers and ICA Gateways.
MetaFrame offers an enhanced user experience by providing complete access to
all local system resources, such as disk drives, printers, ports, soundcards, and the
Windows clipboard, even though applications are running remotely from the
server. As a result, users need no training because they continue working in their
familiar personal computing environments.
Local/remote transparency. With several new MetaFrame 1.8 features,
remote applications look, feel, and perform the same as local applications.
Client Print Manager simplifies printer configuration, providing users with
more flexibility and access to local printers. Business recovery provides
reliable backup connections to ensure users have consistent access to published
Bandwidth-independent performance. MetaFrame is optimized for
connections as low as 14.4Kbps, so every remote user can experience LAN-
like application performance. This bandwidth independence improves network
efficiency and, in the process, reduces network costs.