Convention Description
This font indicates a command, programming language, or an
object on your screen.
user input
In examples, letters that you actually type are highlighted in
boldface type.
In syntax format and examples, italic type indicates variables,
parameters, or arguments. You need to substitute the
appropriate value.
In examples, the CD-ROM device is assumed to be drive E:.
Substitute the correct letter for your system, if needed.
This is the default destination for the TPware Product
Suite installation program. Most examples in this book
use the default. If you choose a different folder during the
installation, substitute that drive and folder name.
In examples, a vertical ellipsis indicates that information not
directly related to the example has been omitted.
Microsoft Windows When used alone, Windows indicates any supported member
of the family of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Where
necessary, specific Windows operating systems are mentioned.
For a list of Microsoft Windows operating systems supported
by TPware products, see the product’s Software Product
Description (SPD).