logo Transferring Client Files to a Windows System
To place the client files on a Windows system, transfer the appropriate archive
file from the ACMSDI$NONVMS_CLIENTS directory on the OpenVMS system.
For example:
1. Use a network file transfer utility such as FTP to copy from the OpenVMS
system the INTEL32.EXE file (see Table 3–1). For example:
a. On the client system, create a subdirectory to store the software:
> mkdir c:\tpw032
b. Change directory to the newly created subdirectory:
> cd c:\tpw032
c. Connect to the OpenVMS system that contains the archive file:
> ftp nodename
login to host
The value of nodename is the name of the OpenVMS system on which
the archive is installed. At the FTP prompts, supply the OpenVMS
user name and password. If you successfully log on to the OpenVMS
system, type commands at the FTP prompt to copy the archive file from
the OpenVMS directory to the client system and close the FTP utility.
For example:
FTP> binary
FTP> get intel32.exe
FTP> quit
2. On the client system, expand the archive file and delete it to recover disk
space. For example:
> intel32
> del intel32.exe
To continue TP Desktop Connector software installation and setup, see
Section 6.1 on running the
program and Section 6.2 on setting up an
environment for Windows systems.
After Installing from the Software Products Library CD 3–3