10.1.2 Editing the System Shutdown File
Find the following line, which stops the ACMS system, in the OpenVMS
system shutdown file:
At some point before this line, add the following command line:
The command procedure cancels all active tasks and shuts down the TP
Desktop process. This ensures that the TP Desktop system processes are run
down properly. The command procedure also deinstalls TP Desktop images
(using the Install Utility of OpenVMS) and deassigns the logical names.
10.2 Performing Cluster Procedures
Because TP Desktop software treats a VMScluster system as if it were a local
area network (LAN), you must prepare system-specific roots on each node of
the cluster. For example:
Executed on each node in the cluster, these commands create directory roots for
the TP Desktop software. See Section 9.1.2 for the locations of files describing
the directories added to your system.
10.3 Matching Client and Server Versions
If you are upgrading from ACMS Desktop Version 2.n to TP Desktop Version
3.m, you can use your existing client programs with the new server. But, if you
build a new client program under TP Desktop Version 3.m, you cannot use this
new program with the old ACMS Desktop Version 2.n server.
When the ACMS communication protocols do not match those of the desktop
client, the gateway rejects the attempted connection. The gateway writes a
message to the software event log (SWL).
The error code returned on the client side depends on the nature of the
mismatch. The following error codes can indicate a mismatched condition:
After Installing TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS Software 10–3