Compaq AAPG9DKTE Computer Accessories User Manual

$ run vms_avertz.exe
accept the default output filename
$ backup/restore vms_avertz.sav/save *.*/log
4. Copy the Motif resource file to your home directory:
$ copy m_avertz.dat sys$login:m_avertz.dat
Table A–2 lists the files that are added to your desktop system.
7.2.3 Verifying the Motif Sample Installation on OpenVMS
Compile, link, and run the source code for the sample client program to verify
your capability to build applications.
To build the sample application, follow these steps:
1. If you have MMS, use the MMS makefile provided to build the m_avertz
sample application. In the sample directory, run MMS using the following
If you download TP Desktop Connector libraries to a different location, edit
the makefile to indicate the new location of the libraries.
On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the makefile expects the logical
ACMSDI$VMS_ALPHA to point to the directory that contains the
TP Desktop Connector client library. In addition, on OpenVMS
Alpha systems, the first time that the makefile tries to create the
DECwindows library, the makefile fails. When this happens, rerun
MMS to continue the build.
If you do not have MMS, use the makefile as a guide to build the
application yourself.
2. Run the application by entering the following command:
> run m_avertz/nodebug
Installing the TP Desktop Connector Client Services on Non-Windows Systems 7–5