Files Installed
The following tables list the files that are installed on your systems for the
various sample applications.
Table A–1 Files Installed for TP Desktop Connector Client Services for
OpenVMS Systems
Files Description
ACMSDI.H Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services
Library for the TP Desktop Connector client services
FORMS.H Include file for DECforms
NET_DECNET.OBJ DECnet object file
NET_TCPIP.OBJ TCP/IP object file
PPSTUBS.C Presentation procedure and action routine stubs
TDMS.H Include file for TDMS
Table A–2 Files Installed for the Motif Sample for OpenVMS Systems
Name Description
Makefile Makefile for building the sample
acmsdi.h Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services
forms.h Sample include file with DECforms status values
help.txt Overview of the AVERTZ user interface
sys$login:m_avertz.dat Motif sample resource file
(continued on next page)
Files Installed A–1