Appendix G
108 E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual
K: Plessey
Valid Characters: 0 – 9
Length: One to 14 digits.
Valid bar dimensions: The expected ratio of wide to narrow bars can range from 2:1 to 3:1. If a plus
character (+) is the last data character, an additional MSI checksum will be added to the bar code in
place of the plus character.
The following example prints a Plessey bar code with a wide to narrow bar ratio of 3:1:
121100000000100Barcode K<CR>
L: Interleaved 2 of 5 with a modulo 10 checksum and shipping bearer bars.
Valid Characters: 0 – 9
Variable Length. (For the bearer bars 14 characters are required.)
Valid bar dimensions: The expected ratio of wide to narrow bars can range from 2:1 to 3:1.
The following example prints an I 2 of 5 bar code with a modulo 10 checksum, a wide to narrow bar
ratio of 3:1 and bearer bars:
121100000000100Barcode L<CR>