Generating Label Formats
E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual 65
Field Valid Inputs Meaning
0000 to 9999 Row
0000 to 9999, s
ee Appendix J. Column
P004-P999, 0016-4163* Character Height, points, dots
P004-P999, 0014-4163* Character Width, points, dots
Valid ASCII character string up to 255 characters
followed by a termination character.
*Character size specifications are printhead resolution dependent as shown in the following table.
Table 8-8: Scalable Font Record Structure
Character Size (dots)Printhead
Resolution (DPI)
Width Height
203 16-2817 16-2817
300 14-4163 16-4163
Table 8-9: Scalable Character Size Ranges
Note: A scalable font cache must be allocated to print. Minimum cache size is 15 (see
<STX>KS for syntax). Double-byte fonts require five additional units of cache.
4. Bar Codes
Valid inputs for the bar code field b are letters. Uppercase letters will print a human-readable text
below the bar code. Lowercase letters will print the bar code only. For example, entering a ‘p’ in
the b field selects the Postnet bar code. Because the Postnet font does not provide human-readable
data, the uppercase P is not valid. Other bar codes without a human-readable counterpart include u
(MaxiCode), z (PDF417), etc. See Appendix F.
For module-based bar codes, field d is the narrow bar width in dots (bar code module size). For
consistent results in all rotations for bar codes of this type, field d and field c must have the same
value. For ratio-based bar codes field c is the wide bar width in dots (the numerator); field d is the
narrow bar width in dots (the denominator). The eee height field represents the bar code height.
The valid range is from 001 to 999, which translates to bar heights ranging from 0.01inch
(.254mm) to 9.99 inches (253.7mm). Bar codes that require additional parameters specified use the
jj…j data field as the location for these parameters. See the Appendix G for specific bar code
Field Valid Inputs Meaning
1, 2, 3 and 4 Rotation
b [bb]
A to Z and a to z (except P, u, v, z), or Wna, where: n is 1 to 9
Bar Code
1to9andAtoO WideBar
1to9andAtoO NarrowBar
001 to 999 Symbol Height
0000 to 9999 Row
0000 to 9999,
see Appendix J. Column
Valid ASCII character string up to 255 characters followed by a
termination character.
Table 8-10: Bar Code Record Structure