System-Level Commands
E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual 23
STX W Request Memory Module Information
This command requests a directory listing for memory module(s). Although a module can store font,
image and format data together, it can display only one type of information at a time. If the module
contains all three types of data, it will be necessary to check the directory three times, using each of
the control parameters, F, G, and L to determine the contents. When no user accessible modules are
present, there is no printer response to <STX>WF, WG or WL.
- Data type:
Downloaded Font
Graphic (Image)
All fonts (respective of the resident fonts available and
any fonts that have been downloaded).
Printer response:
Module ID ‘A’, fonts following reside in this module
103 CG Triumv <CR>
Downloaded font ID and name
Module ID ‘F’ (no user access), fonts following reside in this
000 <CR>
Font internal ID 000, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 0
001 <CR>
Font internal ID 001, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 1
002 <CR>
Font internal ID 002, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 2
003 <CR>
Font internal ID 003, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 3
004 <CR>
Font internal ID 004, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 4
005 <CR>
Font internal ID 005, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 5
006 <CR>
Font internal ID 006, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 6
007 <CR>
Font internal ID 007, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 7
008 <CR>
Font internal ID 008, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 8
012 <CR>
Font internal ID 012, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A06
013 <CR>
Font internal ID 013, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A08
014 <CR>
Font internal ID 014, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A16
015 <CR>
Font internal ID 015, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A12
016 <CR>
Font internal ID 016, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A14
017 <CR>
Font internal ID 017, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A18
018 <CR>
Font internal ID 018, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A24
019 <CR>
Font internal ID 019, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A30
020 <CR>
Font internal ID 020, resident bitmapped font DPL ID 9, A36