System-Level Commands
14 E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual
STX e Select Edge Sensor
This command enables transmissive (see-through) sensing for top-of-form detection of die-cut, and
holed or notched media. This Media Sensor will detect a minimum gap of 0.1 inches (2.54 mm)
between labels (see the Operator’s Manual for media requirements). Use the <STX>O command to
adjust the print position. This is the printer default setting at power-up or reset.
Note: This command is ignored when <STX>cnnnn is issued with a non-zero value for nnnn.
STX F Form Feed
This commands the printer to form feed to the next start of print.
Printer response: The printer will form feed.
Note: Following a reset, if the length of the first label fed is less than the label offset value
(defined by the <STX>O command) the printer will advance past that label until a top-of-
form is detected, or until the offset is reached,skipping labels as necessary, unless Label
Alignment is enabled.
STX f Set Form Stop Position (Backfeed Command)
This sets the stop position of the printed label, allowing the label to stop at a point past the start-of-
print position. When the next label format is sent, the printer motor reverses direction to retract the
media to the start-of-print position. If quantities of more than one label are requested, the printer will
operate without backfeeding. A backfeed will then only occur when printing has stopped for a few
- Is a three-digit distance from the Media Sensor, in inches/100 or
mm/10. This distance is independent of the start-of-print position
(<STX>O), yet it must be greater than the start-of-print position to
take effect.
The sample sets a stop position distance of 230 (2.3 inches from the Media Sensor’s eye).
STX G Print Last Label Format
This command prints a previously formatted label and restarts a canceled batch job following the last
processed label. This is used when there is a label format in the buffer. The <STX>E command is
used to enter the quantity. (If the <STX>E command is not used only one label will print.)