E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual 3
Getting to Know the Printer
The following highlights basic printer setup and control. For detailed information, including connections,
features, media loading, and operating instructions refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual.
• The Power Connection: Depending upon the model (see below), the printer can be connected via an
external 110, 220, or auto-ranging AC power supply. Always ensure the power supply included
with the printer is compatible with your electrical service.
E4203, E4204 and E4304
• Interface Cable Requirements: The interface between the printer and host can be either a serial RS-
232C cable (as shown below) or a Centronics
parallel cable. When the printer is connected with
both a serial and parallel cable, it will automatically interface to the first connection that transmits
valid data. After this connection has been made, the printer’s power must cycled to change the
interface connection.
Serial Interface Cable Requirements
Part # 32-2300-01
Part # 32-2301-01