Dell 3-DNS Network Router User Manual

Working with Global Availability Load Balancing
Administrator Guide 9 - 5
A Global Availability configuration example
With the Global Availability load balancing mode, you can configure one
data center as your primary service provider and have several alternate
service providers on standby. In the wideip statement, list the virtual servers
in descending order of preference. The first available virtual server is chosen
for each resolution request.
Figure 9.2 shows a sample wideip definition, in the wideip.conf file, where
Global Availability is the preferred load balancing mode within a pool.
The first listed virtual server ( in this example) receives all
resolution requests unless it becomes unavailable. If the first listed virtual
server does become unavailable, then the 3-DNS Controller sends resolution
requests to the second listed virtual server until the first listed virtual server
becomes available again.
// Global availability
wideip {
port 80 // http
name ""
pool {
name "mypool"
preferred ga
address //New York data center
address //Los Angeles data center
address //Tokyo data center
Figure 9.2 Configuring a standby data center using Global Availability