NS record
A name server (NS) record is used to define a set of authoritative name
servers for a DNS zone. A name server is considered authoritative for some
given zone when it has a complete set of data for the zone, allowing it to
answer queries about the zone on its own, without needing to consult
another name server.
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
NTP functions over the Internet to synchronize system clocks to Universal
Coordinated Time. NTP provides a mechanism to set and maintain clock
synchronization within milliseconds.
packet rate
The packet rate is the number of data packets per second processed by a
Packet Rate mode
The Packet Rate mode is a dynamic load balancing mode that distributes
connections based on which available server currently processes the fewest
packets per second.
A path is a logical network route between a data center server and a local
DNS server.
path probing
Path probing is the collection of metrics data, such as round trip time and
packet rate, for a given path between a requesting LDNS server and a data
center server.
On a 3-DNS Controller, persistence is a series of related requests received
from the same local DNS server for the same wide IP name. When
persistence is turned on, a 3-DNS Controller sends all requests from a
particular local DNS server for a specific wide IP to the same virtual server,
instead of load balancing the requests.
Picks represent the number of times a particular virtual server is selected to
receive a load balanced connection.
A pool is a group of virtual servers managed by a BIG-IP, an EDGE-FX
Cache, or a host. The 3-DNS Controller load balances among pools (using
the Pool LB Mode), as well as among individual virtual servers.