Dialogic M7324 Computer Hardware User Manual

4. PBX Systems
Step 1: Clear Memory
NOTE: If the DID card is already attached and functional, please proceed to
the next section.
If a memory clear is needed, proceed as follows:
1. Reset the power; unplug and plug in the power cord.
2. Within 15 minutes of power reset, log in as Startup.
3. Do a memory clear and specify the template Hybrid, PBX or Square.
4. Let the switch clear all programming and start up with the default setup.
Step 2: Install the DID Trunk Card
NOTE: If the DID card is already attached and functional, please proceed to
the next section.
This procedure notifies the KSU that the DID card is the nth module of the
switch. Proceed as follows:
1. Login as config.
2. Choose Hardware -> Show Module (e.g., DID trunk is in module 4).
Configure CDi-MOD4 as DID.
3. Log off and log back in as config.
4. Choose Maintenance -> Module Status -> Module 4 -> State and make it
5. Log out.