PBX Integration Board User’s Guide
Table 27. M7324 Direct Key Dialing Strings for Display Keys
Dial String Key Description
<ESC>KP Display Key 00 (left)
<ESC>KQ Display Key 01 (middle)
<ESC>KR Display Key 02 (right)
4.5.6. Alphanumeric Display
The alphanumeric display is a two row, 32-digit LCD that is used to show the
activity of the phone. Some examples are:
• date and time
• feature names
• error messages
• called/calling identification
• phone status
• line selection
• Display Key prompts
The data used to display information in the LCD alphanumeric display is in
ASCII format. When the telephone is not in use, the display normally shows
the date and time. The content of the display is changed automatically (e.g.,
receiving an incoming call, making an outgoing call, or activating a feature).
The Dialogic
PBX Integration Board can retrieve the information on its
alphanumeric display using the d42_display( ) function. The function places
the display data (32 bytes) in an application buffer. Refer to the Dialogic
PBX Integration Software Reference for more information about using the
d42_display( ) function.
An application uses the dx_dial( ) function and the appropriate dial string
(<ESC>KN, <ESC>KK, <ESC>KA, <ESC>K3) to press keys to display
which feature is assigned to Memory Button 03. Then, the d42_display( )
function is used to retrieve the display data and place it in an application