36 Functional description
UM5C05C P0745680 Standard 6.00 October 2001 Emerson Energy Systems
Table 11 - Adjusting the potentiometers and switches
Potentiometers Description
CL ADJ Current limit adjust ( 100 A to 210 A )
CUR CAL Current reading calibration
Equalize voltage adjust ( 0 V to −4 V )
Float voltage adjust ( −46 V to −58 V )
High voltage shutdown adjust ( −52 V to −60 V )
VOLT CAL Voltage reading calibration
Switches Description
EQL / FLT Equalize / Float selection switch
SLS / FS Slope load sharing / Forced load sharing selection
ST UP DELAY Start-up delay selection DIP ( 4 sec to 2 min )
VOLT / AMP Voltage and current display selection switch
Table 12 - Rectifier input / output signals to the controller
Designation Description
RG+ / RC−
External reference voltage across the batteries
measured through the controller to regulate the voltage.
HVSD Remote High Voltage Shutdown input activated by a
BAT RTN signal.
HVSDR Remote High Voltage Shutdown Reset input activated by
a BAT RTN signal.
TR Remote Inhibit input activated by a BAT RTN signal.
EQL Remote Equalize input activated by a BAT RTN signal.
RFA Rectifier Failure Alarm output activating a form C contact
F ALM Fan Failure Alarm output activating a form C contact
SHUNT ( + ) and
SHUNT ( − )
Rectifier Current input / output ( 50 mV / 250 A )
Common Forced Current Share Mode ( 0-12 V )
4.2.5. Voltage / current display
test and measurement
CUR CAL / VOLT CAL potentiometers
These potentiometers are used to calibrate the digital display meter for
current and voltage measurements. As the two potentiometers affect each
other, current calibration must be performed before voltage calibration.