If you do not know the correct password, see “Password
Problems” in Appendix D.
Changing a Power-on Password
To change your power-on password, follow these steps:
If you do not have a hard disk, insert your Startup diskette
in drive A.
Turn on or reset the computer. At the key prompt, enter
your current power-on password followed by a forward slash
(/). After the slash, enter the new password you want to
use. For example, if your current password is 123 and you
want to change it to ABC, type:
Do not use characters requiring the Shift key, such as
$, @, or *,
in your new password. The computer does not
recognize the Shift key when you use your password to
access the system.
The screen does not display what you type.
Be sure to remember the new power-on password you
enter or write it down and keep it in a safe place. If you
cannot remember the password you enter now, you will
not be able
access your computer the next time you
turn it
Press Enter. A happy face character appears and then the
computer loads MS-DOS.
Using Your Computer