For an Epson
hard disk drive, it is best to accept the
recommended skewed sector (also called the interleave factor)
of 1. For other hard disk drives, you may need to change this
value if the documentation that came with the disk recommends
a different number.
To accept the default, select Y.
To enter a new value, select N. You see the following prompt:
skewed sectors in
Enter a number from 1 through 16 that equals the maximum
sector number for the drive minus 1. The maximum sector
number varies, depending on the drive type. Then press Enter.
Next you see this prompt:
Accept recommended skewed sectors per
head in format :
? (Y/N)
For an Epson hard disk drive, accept the recommended value
of 0. For another type of drive, use the value recommended in
the documentation for the drive.
To accept the default, select Y.
To enter a new value, select N. You see the following prompt:
Enter new skewed sectors per head
in format (0-16):
Enter a number from 0 through 16 which equals the maximum
sector number for the drive minus 1. The maximum sector
number varies, depending on the drive type. Then press Enter.
Physically Formatting a Hard Disk