printer operation check
A method for checking the operation of the printer. When you perform a printer
operation check, the printer prints the ROM version, code page, ink counter code,
and a nozzle check pattern.
print head alignment
A maintenance procedure you should perform when the black and color inks on
your printout are misaligned or the printout seems fuzzy.
print server
The print server acts as a post office for all print jobs sent over a network. It receives
the jobs and then distributes them to the assigned printer. It also holds extra print
jobs while the printer is busy. See also print queue.
print queue
When your printer is busy printing a print job, any additional print jobs sent to the
printer are placed in a waiting line, or print queue, until they can be printed. The
print queue may be on a network print server, or on your local computer,
depending on the computer to which the printer is connected.
Random Access Memory. The portion of the printer’s memory used as a buffer. All
data stored in RAM is lost when the printer is turned off.
To return a printer to its defaults either by sending a command, an INIT signal, or
by turning the printer off and then back on.
The number of dots per inch used to represent an image.
Read Only Memory. A portion of memory that can only be read and cannot be
used for data storage. ROM retains its contents when you turn off the printer.
Red, green, and blue. These colors, in phosphors irradiated by the computer
monitor’s electron gun, are used to create the additive array of screen colors.
screen pattern
This feature prints shaded areas as they appear on screen, instead of printing them
as halftones.
serial interface
See interface.
The process by which the printer driver converts the print data into codes that your
printer understands. This data is then sent to the printer directly or to the print
A5 size Glossary
12-12-97 DR, pass 0