Epson PM-7000C Printer User Manual

EPSON Imaging Technology Center Page: 42
Revision: 1 (Date: 6/20/00)
6.17 Select Mechanism Sequence “SN”
The printer driver can control the head gap by this SN command.
ASCII S N 03H 00H 00H m1 m2
Hex 53 4E 03 00 00 m1 m2
Dec 83 78 03 00 00 m1 m2
The following m1 and m2 parameters are each one byte binary values that indicates
mechanism sequences.
m1 m2 Description Comment
00H -- Feed paper sequence setting Not used for Stylus Pro 7000
01H 00H Default PG Setting Platen gap setting
01H PG High
00H 02H-FHH Reserved
02H-FFH Reserved
- The default environment mechanism sequence is set
- If parameter m1, m2 are out of range (02H=FFH), this command is ignored
and the current setting is maintained.
- While in the EPSON Remote Mode, ESC/P2 commands are not recognized by
the printer until “ESC 00H 00H 00H” is invoked to exit this Mode.
- Remote Mode commands should be sent prior to sending ESC/P2 commands.
- This command is only valid in Remote Mode.