Fujitsu F202RA Computer Hardware User Manual

Counter Function
The counter function counts the falling edges of the external clocks input to the P33/EC external pin. The 8/
16-bit capture timer/counter can operate independently because the EC pin acts as an external clock input
pin. Only timer 0 can select the external clock. The counter function operates using timer 0 with the 8-bit
mode or with the 16-bit mode.
The counter function counts the number of edges of the external clocks selected by the count clock
selection bit (CINV) of the timer 0 control register (TCR0). When the number of edges equals the
setting value, the counter function generates an interrupt request and inverts the output level of the
square wave output pin.
In timer 0 for the 8-bit mode, a count operation up to 2
is possible.
In the 16-bit mode, a count operation up to 2
is possible.
Inputting an external clock whose cycle is constant enables the counter to be used as a device whose
function is similar to an interval timer.