Fujitsu F202RA Computer Hardware User Manual

APPENDIX B Overview of the Instructions
Explanation on the Items of Instructions’ List
Table B-2 Explanation on Items of Instructions’ List
Item Description
MNEMONIC Represents the instruction coded in the assembler.
~ Indicates the number of cycles of the instruction (number of instruction cycles).
# Indicates the number of bytes of the instruction.
Operation Indicates the operation of the instruction.
Indicates how the contents of TL, TH, and AH change (automatic transfer from A to
T) when the instruction is executed.
The codes in this column indicate the following:
- indicates no change.
dH indicates the higher 8 bits of the data coded for the operation.
AL and AH indicate the contents of AL and AH just before the execution of the
00 indicates that it becomes 00.
Indicates whether the instruction changes the corresponding flags.
If ( is shown in this column, the instruction changes the corresponding flags.
Indicates the instruction code. If the appropriate instruction occupies multiple codes,
they are listed under the following rule:
48 to 4F means the serial numbers from 48 to 4F.