FIGURE 56 – Port security configuration mode
From the port-security configuration mode, the switch can be configured to:
1) Auto-learn the MAC addresses
2) Specify individual MAC addresses to allow access to the network
3) Validate or change the settings
The commands for doing the above actions are:
Syntax allow mac=<address|list|range> port=<num|list|range>
Syntax learn port=<number-list> <enable|disable>
Syntax show port-security
Syntax action port=<num|list|range> <none|disable|drop>
Syntax signal port=<num|list|range> <none|log|trap|logandtrap>
Syntax ps <enable|disable>
Syntax remove mac=<all|address|list|range> port=<num|list|range>
Syntax signal port=<num|list|range> <none|log|trap|logandtrap>
allow mac – configures the switch to setup allowed MAC addresses on specific ports
learn port – configures the switch to learn the MAC addresses associated with specific
port or a group of ports
show port-security – shows the information on port security programmed or learnt
action port – specifies the designated action to take in case of a non authorized access
ps – port security – allows port security to be enable or disabled
remove mac – removes specific or all MAC addresses from port security lookup
signal port=<num|list|range> - observe list of specified ports and notify if there is a
security breach on the list of port specified. The signal can be a log entry, a trap to the trap
receiver specified as part of the SNMP commands (where is that specified) or both