Back to TOC Using software commands and controls 117
Reset Tools
Return all settings except output type to
the defaults for this image.
Scan and place the selection area on
the Clipboard.
Select All
Select the entire scanner glass
(including blank space).
Unselect All Remove the selection border.
Zoom In Zoom in on the selection area.
Zoom Out Zoom out to the original view.
True Color
Choose the output type. Only one can
be selected.
Optimized Palette
Web Palette
System Palette
Spot Color
Black & White Bitmap
Automatically Set Type Allow the software to select the output
type based on the contents of selection
Rotate Left 90
Rotate the image counterclockwise by
90 degrees.
Rotate Right 90
Rotate the image clockwise by 90
Mirror Reverse the image side-to-side.
Resize Resize the selection area. This
changes the output file size also.
Change Resolution Change the resolution of the final
scanned image.
Sharpen Adjust the sharpening.
Output Type