HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1366A Computer Hardware User Manual

Example: Tree
This example uses two RF multiplexers in a tree configuration to connect
com 10 of multiplexer #1 with channel 12 of multiplexer #2. The two
multiplexers form a multiple-multiplexer switchbox instrument with
multiplexer #1 as card 01 and multiplexer #2 as card 02. See the following
figure for typical user connections. To make this connection, execute:
CLOS (@112,212) ! Connect com 10 of multiplexer #1
to channel 12 of multiplexer #2.
To open the channels, use OPEN (@112,212).
Figure 3-2. Tree Switching
Chapter 3 Using the HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexer Module 27