HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1366A Computer Hardware User Manual

The INITiate subsystem selects continuous scanning cycles and starts the
scanning cycle.
Subsystem Syntax INITiate
:CONTinuous ON | OFF | 1 | 0
:CONTinuous INITiate:CONTinuous ON | OFF | 1 | 0 enables or disables continuous
scanning cycles for the switchbox.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
ON | OFF | 1 | 0 boolean ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Comments Continuous Scanning Operation: Continuous scanning is enabled
with the
INITiate:CONTinuous ON or INITiate:CONTinuous 1
command. Sending the INITiate[:IMMediate] command closes the
first channel in the channel list.
Each trigger from a trigger source selected by the TRIGger:SOURce
command advances the scan through the channel list. A trigger at
the end of the channel list closes the first channel in the channel list
and the scan cycle repeats.
Non-Continuous Scanning Operation: This is enabled with the
INITiate:CONTinuous OFF or INIT:CONT 0 command. Sending the
INIT:IMM command closes the first channel in the channel list.
Each trigger from a trigger source selected by the
command advances the scan through the channel list. At the end of
the scanning cycle, all channels in the channel list are closed.
Stopping Continuous Scans: See the ABORt command.
Related Commands: ABORt, ARM:COUNt, TRIGger
*RST Condition: INITiate:CONTinuous OFF
Example Enabling Continuous Scans
This example enables continuous scanning of channels 00 through 03 of a
single-module switchbox. Since
TRIGger:SOURce IMMediate (default) is
set, use an interface clear command (such as
CLEAR) to stop the scan.
INIT:CONT ON ! Enable continuous scanning
SCAN (@100:103) ! Define channel list
INIT ! Start scan cycle, close channel 00
Chapter 5 HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexers Command Reference 45