HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1366A Computer Hardware User Manual

:MONitor:CARD DISPlay:MONitor:CARD <number> | AUTO selects the module in a
switchbox to be monitored.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
number> | AUTO
numeric 1-99
Comments Selecting a Specific Module to be Monitored: Use the
DISPlay:MONitor:CARD command to send the module number for
the switchbox to be monitored.
Selecting the Present Module to be Monitored: Use the
DISPlay:MONitor:AUTO command to select the last module
addressed by a switching command (e.g.,
*RST Condition: DISPlay:MONitor:CARD AUTO
Example Select Module #2 in a Switchbox for Monitoring
DISP:MON:CARD 2 ! Selects module #2 in a switchbox
44 HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexers Command Reference Chapter 5