Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
numeric 1-99
Comments • RF Multiplexers Model Number:
SYSTem:CTYPe? <number> command returns
"HEWLETT-PACKARD,E1366A,0,A.01.00" (E1366A), or
(E1367A), where the "0" after "E1366A" or "E1367A" is the
module serial number (always 0) and
"A.01.00" is an example
of the module revision code number.
Example Reading the Model Number of a Card #1 Module
SYST:CTYP? 1 ! Return the model number
:CPON SYSTem:CPON <number> | ALL sets the selected module (card) in a
switchbox to its power-on state.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
numeric 1-99
Comments • RF Multiplexers Power-On State: The power-on state is all
channels (relays) open. Note that
*RST opens all channels of all
modules in a switchbox, while
SYSTem:CPON opens the channels
in only the module (card) specified in the command.
Example Setting Card #1 Module to its Power-on State
SYST:CPON 1 ! Sets module #1 to power-on state
Chapter 5 HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexers Command Reference 55